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· 3 min read


How to check users assigned to roles and viceversa?


-- LOGGED IN AS default (admin privileges)

clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT user()

SELECT user()

Query id: 9bc02d8b-ab05-4a63-b2dd-3e0093f36d31


1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

-- create user 'foo'

clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE USER foo IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_password BY 'secretPassword123!'

CREATE USER foo IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_hash BY '4338B66A5F04244574CB9C872829F1FD8F696C658EC7A4BD22FEFBBCF331B665' SALT 'C2911CA1E4787227BBD0EBEF43066EF2EC4C54172C1AB3616E88050F2EC13475'

Query id: 9711f5fc-2b5c-43f0-a760-0c67764919a2


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.102 sec.

-- create user 'bar'

clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE USER bar IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_password BY 'secretPassword123!'

CREATE USER bar IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_hash BY '14A1401822566260191F51BAE85C4740E650E1F9D02DEFFF086CD6A6A8B3164F' SALT '276AE4A32353D579894C83C230775568E501CCD696531EEF0006761D3BEE3F75'

Query id: 11a78bf5-f5e1-4f1d-bfe8-cf2aa0a1b15d


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.103 sec.

-- create role 'role_a'

clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE ROLE role_a;


Query id: 13ccc007-fa5a-4110-9a05-48e284cea45f


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.104 sec.

-- create role 'role_b'

clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE ROLE role_b;


Query id: 43f84376-76fa-4cd2-b8e2-2dcfbe41ec1b


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.103 sec.

-- grant 'role_a' to users 'foo' and 'bar'

clickhouse-cloud :) GRANT role_a to foo,bar

GRANT role_a TO foo, bar

Query id: 4fe91624-efb3-4091-b680-b6905ab445b4


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.107 sec.

-- grant 'role_b' to user 'bar'

clickhouse-cloud :) GRANT role_b TO bar

GRANT role_b TO bar

Query id: 7ea38b28-2719-4dd6-8abd-0241f7b34d5c


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.102 sec.

-- What users have assigned 'role_a'?

clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM system.role_grants WHERE granted_role_name='role_a';

FROM system.role_grants
WHERE granted_role_name = 'role_a'

Query id: bf088776-f450-4150-b2e8-197b400573c1

│ bar │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │ role_a │ 10
│ foo │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │ role_a │ 10

2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

-- What roles are assigned to users 'foo' and 'bar'?

clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM system.role_grants WHERE user_name IN ('foo','bar');

FROM system.role_grants
WHERE user_name IN ('foo', 'bar')

Query id: b81dbe1c-42f0-43bd-b237-1a6b1d81ae3d

│ bar │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │ role_b │ 10
│ bar │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │ role_a │ 10
│ foo │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │ role_a │ 10

3 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

-- logged in as user 'foo'

clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT user()

SELECT user()

Query id: eee6eaaa-11bc-42c1-9258-fa3079ee6f80

│ foo │

1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

clickhouse-cloud :) SHOW CURRENT ROLES


Query id: aa6a1ac1-3502-4960-bb34-f7d9f0d7986e

│ role_a │ 01

1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

-- logged in as user 'bar'

clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT user()

SELECT user()

Query id: fa9ba47f-efcf-4491-9b4e-2f1130dfa84b

│ bar │

1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

clickhouse-cloud :) SHOW CURRENT ROLES


Query id: fb3f2941-a8ce-481d-8fad-b775bfc5b532

│ role_a │ 01
│ role_b │ 01

2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

· One min read

When you try to alter a user's settings, you may encounter the above exception. Here are a few options to troubleshoot this error:

Edit users.xml directly

You can edit or add the desired settings for a specific user in users.xml directly in the file /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d.

Read more about users.xml here.

Create another user

You can create another user with the specified settings, then connect to ClickHouse using that new user.

View this page to learn how to create users.

Enable SQL-driven access control

You can enable SQL-drive access control and account management for the default user. The steps to enable this are specified in this page.

· One min read

ClickHouse and ClickHouse Cloud both support row and column-level access restrictions for read-only users necessary to achieve a role-based access control (RBAC) model.

Row Policies can be used to specify which rows will be returned to a read-only user when they query a table. ClickHouse Cloud is configured to enable the SQL-driven workflow by default. To leverage this workflow CREATE a user, GRANT the user privileges on a table, then set the appropriate ROW POLICY. When the user performs a SELECT * FROM table, only rows allowed by the policy will be displayed.

Column-level restrictions may be specified directly using the GRANT statement to enable table-level access for users and roles. Users may only include columns for which they have access in a query. Selecting restricted columns from a table in which the user does not have access to all the specified columns, such as in the query SELECT * FROM table, will return an error stating the user has insufficient permissions.

· 2 min read

Parametrised views can be handy to slice and dice data on the fly based on some parameters that can be fed at query execution time.

See this basic example:

1) create a table

clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE TABLE raw_data (id UInt8, data String) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY id

`id` UInt8,
`data` String
ENGINE = MergeTree

Query id: aa21e614-1e10-4bba-88ce-4c7183a9148e


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.332 sec.

2) insert some sample random data

clickhouse-cloud :) INSERT INTO raw_data SELECT * FROM generateRandom('`id` UInt8,
`data` String',1,1) LIMIT 1000000;

FROM generateRandom('`id` UInt8,
`data` String', 1, 1)
LIMIT 1000000

Query id: c552a34a-b72f-45e1-bed0-778923e1b5c9


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.438 sec. Processed 1.05 million rows, 10.99 MB (2.39 million rows/s., 25.11 MB/s.)

3) create the parametrised view:

clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE VIEW raw_data_parametrized AS SELECT * FROM raw_data WHERE id BETWEEN {id_from:UInt8} AND {id_to:UInt8}

CREATE VIEW raw_data_parametrized AS
FROM raw_data
WHERE (id >= {id_from:UInt8}) AND (id <= {id_to:UInt8})

Query id: 45fb83a6-aa55-4197-a7cd-9e1ad2c76d48


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.102 sec.

4) query the parametrised view by feeding the expected parameters in your FROM clause:

clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT count() FROM raw_data_parametrized(id_from=0, id_to=50000);

SELECT count()
FROM raw_data_parametrized(id_from = 0, id_to = 50000)

Query id: 5731aae1-3e68-4e63-b57f-d50f29055744


1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.004 sec. Processed 319.49 thousand rows, 319.49 KB (76.29 million rows/s., 76.29 MB/s.)

For more info, please refer to

· One min read


When executing a INSERT...SELECT statement, I am getting too many parts (TOO_MANY_PARTS) error.

How can I solve this?


Below are some of the settings to tune to avoid this error, this is expert level tuning of ClickHouse and these values should be set only after understanding the specifications of the ClickHouse cloud service or on-prem cluster where these will be used, so do not take these values as "one size fits all".

max_insert_block_size = 100_000_000 (default 1_048_576)

Increase from ~1M to 100M would allow larger blocks to form

Note: This setting only applies when the server forms the blocks. i.e. INSERT via the HTTP interface, and not for clickhouse-client

min_insert_block_size_rows = 100_000_000 (default 1_048_576)

Increase from ~1M to 100M would allow larger blocks to form.

min_insert_block_size_bytes = 500_000_000 (default 268_435_456)

Increase from 268.44 MB to 500 MB would allow larger blocks to form.

parts_to_delay_insert = 500 (default 150)

Increasing this so that INSERTs are not artificially slowed down when the number of active parts in a single partition is reached.

parts_to_throw_insert = 1500 (default 300)

Increasing this would generally affect query performance to the table, but this would be fine for data migration.

· One min read


How to create a ClickHouse dictionary using string keys and string values from a MergeTree table source


  • Create the source table for the dictionary
CREATE TABLE db1.table1_dict_source
id UInt32,
email String,
name String
ENGINE = MergeTree()
  • Insert rows
INSERT INTO db1.table1_dict_source
(id, email, name)
(1, '', 'me'),
(2, '', 'you');
  • Create dictionary with key/value both as String
CREATE DICTIONARY db1.table1_dict
email String,
name String
TABLE 'table1_dict_source'
USER 'default'
PASSWORD 'ClickHouse123!'))
  • Test the dictionary
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * from db1.table1_dict;

FROM db1.table1_dict

Query id: 098396ce-11dd-4c71-a0e1-40723dd67ddc

│ │ me │
│ │ you │

2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

You can also use dictGet function to retrieve values from it such as:

SELECT dictGet('db1.table1_dict', 'name', '');


┌─dictGet('db1.table1_dict', 'name', '')─┐
│ me │

More details -

· 2 min read


I see other vendors providing their own builds of ClickHouse. What is the difference between official ClickHouse builds and these 3rd-party builds?


Here are some of the differences we have observed with other builds:

  • The strings "official" are replaced with the name of the vendor
  • They appear after several months of delay and don't include recent bug fixes, which means these builds can contain vulnerabilities that have been fixed in the official versions
  • The builds are not bit-identical, and the addresses in the code are different. As a result, stack traces from these builds cannot be analyzed, and the ClickHouse team cannot answer questions about these builds
  • The builds are not auditable or reproducible - there is no publicly accessible CI system with the same build logs
  • The ClickHouse test suite is not run on these builds, so they are not verified to work by the test suite
  • They might not be available for all architectures (like ARM, etc.)
  • Sometimes they include patches targeted for one particular customer that can break compatibility and introduce extra risk

We recommend running the latest version of ClickHouse using the official builds following the install instructions in the documentation:

  • We release a stable version every month, and three latest stable releases are supported in terms of diagnostics and backporting of bug fixes.
  • We also release a long-term support (LTS) version twice a year that is supported for a year after its initial release, which is really only meant for companies that do not allow for frequent upgrades or using non-LTS software. (We are big fans of the monthly stable builds!)

We have more details between stable vs. LTS releases in the docs.

· 7 min read

See this example using clickhouse client and ClickHouse Cloud service.

create a query_cache_test table

Using clickhouse client

clickhouse-cloud :) CREATE TABLE query_cache_test (name String, age UInt8) ENGINE =MergeTree ORDER BY name

CREATE TABLE query_cache_test
`name` String,
`age` UInt8
ENGINE = MergeTree

Query id: 81c54f09-7de4-48ec-916f-c7c304a46931


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.343 sec.

fill the table with some data:

clickhouse-cloud :) INSERT INTO query_cache_test SELECT * FROM generateRandom('name String, age UInt8',1,1) LIMIT 100000;

INSERT INTO query_cache_test SELECT *
FROM generateRandom('name String, age UInt8', 1, 1)
LIMIT 100000

Query id: 90369105-bd67-494c-bdaf-d90dbfb6def9


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.173 sec. Processed 327.05 thousand rows, 3.43 MB (1.89 million rows/s., 19.86 MB/s.)

enable trace logs:

clickhouse-cloud :) SET send_logs_level = 'trace'

SET send_logs_level = 'trace'

Query id: d65490b0-7960-4a85-a343-787e70e5e293


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.134 sec.

run a query asking to make use of query cache (appending SETTINGS use_query_cache=true to the query):

clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT name FROM query_cache_test WHERE age > 1000 FORMAT Null SETTINGS use_query_cache=true;

FROM query_cache_test
WHERE age > 1000
SETTINGS use_query_cache = 1

Query id: 3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04

[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.542408 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Debug\> executeQuery: (from, user: tony) SELECT name FROM query_cache_test WHERE age > 1000 FORMAT Null SETTINGS use_query_cache=true; (stage: Complete)
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.542744 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Debug\> InterpreterSelectQuery: MergeTreeWhereOptimizer: condition "age > 1000" moved to PREWHERE
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.542900 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Debug\> InterpreterSelectQuery: MergeTreeWhereOptimizer: condition "age > 1000" moved to PREWHERE
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.543020 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Trace\> ContextAccess (tony): Access granted: SELECT(name, age) ON tony.test
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.543164 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Trace\> ContextAccess (tony): Access granted: SELECT(name, age) ON tony.test
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.543226 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Trace\> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.543337 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Debug\> tony.test (e61a107c-e7f8-4445-825f-88f85c72f7e9) (SelectExecutor): Key condition: unknown
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.543395 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Debug\> tony.test (e61a107c-e7f8-4445-825f-88f85c72f7e9) (SelectExecutor): Selected 1/1 parts by partition key, 1 parts by primary key, 12/12 marks by primary key, 12 marks to read from 1 ranges
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.543412 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Trace\> tony.test (e61a107c-e7f8-4445-825f-88f85c72f7e9) (SelectExecutor): Spreading mark ranges among streams (default reading)
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.543461 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Trace\> MergeTreeBaseSelectProcessor: PREWHERE condition was split into 1 steps: "greater(age, 1000)"
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.543484 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Trace\> MergeTreeInOrderSelectProcessor: Reading 1 ranges in order from part all_0_0_0, approx. 100000 rows starting from 0
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.543559 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Trace\> QueryCache: No entry found for query SELECT name FROM query_cache_test WHERE age > 1000 FORMAT `Null` SETTINGS
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.547760 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Trace\> QueryCache: Stored result of query SELECT name FROM query_cache_test WHERE age > 1000 FORMAT `Null` SETTINGS
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.547827 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Debug\> executeQuery: Read 100000 rows, 97.66 KiB in 0.005508 sec., 18155410.31227306 rows/sec., 17.31 MiB/sec.
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.547913 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Debug\> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 451.89 KiB.
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.547933 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Debug\> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.005911032 sec.

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.006 sec. Processed 100.00 thousand rows, 100.00 KB (17.56 million rows/s., 17.56 MB/s.)

run the same query again:

clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT name FROM query_cache_test WHERE age > 1000 FORMAT Null SETTINGS use_query_cache=true;

FROM query_cache_test
WHERE age > 1000
SETTINGS use_query_cache = 1

Query id: a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515

[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.931007 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Debug\> executeQuery: (from, user: tony) SELECT name FROM query_cache_test WHERE age > 1000 FORMAT Null SETTINGS use_query_cache=true; (stage: Complete)
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.931331 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Debug\> InterpreterSelectQuery: MergeTreeWhereOptimizer: condition "age > 1000" moved to PREWHERE
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.931468 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Debug\> InterpreterSelectQuery: MergeTreeWhereOptimizer: condition "age > 1000" moved to PREWHERE
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.931585 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Trace\> ContextAccess (tony): Access granted: SELECT(name, age) ON tony.test
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.931696 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Trace\> ContextAccess (tony): Access granted: SELECT(name, age) ON tony.test
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.931749 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Trace\> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.931857 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Debug\> tony.test (e61a107c-e7f8-4445-825f-88f85c72f7e9) (SelectExecutor): Key condition: unknown
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.931891 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Debug\> tony.test (e61a107c-e7f8-4445-825f-88f85c72f7e9) (SelectExecutor): Selected 1/1 parts by partition key, 1 parts by primary key, 12/12 marks by primary key, 12 marks to read from 1 ranges
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.931913 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Trace\> tony.test (e61a107c-e7f8-4445-825f-88f85c72f7e9) (SelectExecutor): Spreading mark ranges among streams (default reading)
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.931952 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Trace\> MergeTreeBaseSelectProcessor: PREWHERE condition was split into 1 steps: "greater(age, 1000)"
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.931975 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Trace\> MergeTreeInOrderSelectProcessor: Reading 1 ranges in order from part all_0_0_0, approx. 100000 rows starting from 0
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.932043 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Trace\> QueryCache: Entry found for query SELECT name FROM query_cache_test WHERE age > 1000 FORMAT `Null` SETTINGS
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.932551 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Debug\> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 5.19 KiB.
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.932581 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Debug\> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.001961411 sec.

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.

Now observe the differences in the TRACE logs related to QueryCache between,

1st execution:

[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.543559 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Trace\> QueryCache: No entry found for query SELECT name FROM query_cache_test  WHERE age > 1000 FORMAT `Null` SETTINGS
[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:10.547760 [ 454 ] {3754a7fd-b786-47c1-a258-dfbc75e35a04} \<Trace\> QueryCache: Stored result of query SELECT name FROM query_cache_test WHERE age > 1000 FORMAT `Null` SETTINGS

at 2nd execution:

[c-red-qc-36-server-0] 2023.05.29 12:06:17.932043 [ 454 ] {a047527c-9d55-4e6b-9747-0ccad8787515} \<Trace\> QueryCache: Entry found for query SELECT name FROM query_cache_test  WHERE age > 1000 FORMAT `Null` SETTINGS

In the 1st execution, no entry was obviously found (No entry found for query SELECT...), so ClickHouse did store (Stored result of query SELECT...) the entry for us.

In the 2nd execution, they query made use of they query cache as it found the entry already stored (Entry found for query SELECT...).

Using just SQL

Just through issuing SQL commands without inspecting the clickhouse client trace logs,

it is also possible to validate if query cache is being used by checking the relevant system tables:

clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT 1 SETTINGS use_query_cache=true;

SETTINGS use_query_cache = 1

Query id: a5a078c7-61e5-4036-a6f0-4d602d5b72d2


1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT 1 SETTINGS use_query_cache=true;

SETTINGS use_query_cache = 1

Query id: 322ae001-b1ab-463f-ac8d-dc5ba346f3f9


1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM clusterAllReplicas(default,system.query_cache);

FROM clusterAllReplicas(default, system.query_cache)

Query id: c9b57eac-ba64-430e-8d51-8f865a13cc25

SELECT 1 SETTINGS │ 1360112023-08-02 15:08:2312188185624808016954

1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec.

clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * FROM clusterAllReplicas(default, WHERE event LIKE 'QueryCache%'

FROM clusterAllReplicas(default,
WHERE event LIKE 'QueryCache%'

Query id: d536555e-b8ab-4cd4-9741-c04e95612bec

│ QueryCacheHits │ 1 │ Number of times a query result has been found in the query cache (and query computation was avoided).
│ QueryCacheMisses │ 1 │ Number of times a query result has not been found in the query cache (and required query computation).

2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.006 sec.

In the last results we see 1 QueryCacheMisses for the first time the query SELECT 1 SETTINGS use_query_cache=true; ran and a QueryCacheHits event related to the second execution of the query.

Keep also in mind that the default maximum cache entry size is 1048576 bytes (= 1 MiB) and by default results are stored in cache for 60 seconds only (you can use query_cache_ttl=300 in SETTINGS for example to have a query cache result stored for 5 minutes instead).

You can find more detailed info on ClickHouse Query Cache here

· One min read


My query is returning many rows but I'm only interested in the query processing time. How do I omit the query output and check for query processing time?


Append FORMAT Null to your query to configure the output format to Null. This prevents data from being transmitted to the client.

For example:

count() AS total,
FROM amazon_reviews
GROUP BY customer_id

The response will return the number of rows processed and the elapsed time, but 0 rows will be returned:

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 25.288 sec. Processed 222.04 million rows, 13.50 GB (8.78 million rows/s., 533.77 MB/s.)

· One min read


How can a ClickHouse Cloud service be started, stopped and resumed using API endpoints?


  1. To wake up/resume a Cloud service from an idle state, you can ping the instance:
curl -X GET
  1. To stop a Cloud service, use the /state endpoint along with the stop command. The syntax looks like:
curl -X PATCH<org_uuid>/services/<service_uuid>/state -u <key_id>:<key_secret> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ''{"command": "<stop|start>"}''

For example, the following command stops the 2e2124ca-c5ac-459d-a6f2-abc123549d2a service:

curl -X PATCH -u abc123:ABC123 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"command": "stop"}'

The output looks like:

  1. To start the service again, use the start command:
curl -X PATCH -u abc123:ABC123 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"command": "start"}'

Here are the various states that a service can be in:


A Cloud service that is "idle" is considered started, so a start command will not resume/wake it up. Use the ping endpoint shown in Step 1 to wake up a service.